Situational analysis  
Medicinal Garden in Mbarara University Science and Technology

In the pursuit of Uganda's Vision 2040 and its ambition for a science-driven socio-economic transformation, the strategic utilization of industrial science, technology, and innovation (STI) emerges as crucial. However, this endeavor faces significant challenges, including fragmented frameworks, a lack of expertise, inadequate infrastructure, and limited resources.

These hurdles hinder effective commercialization and industrialization efforts. In response, experts propose the establishment of a central coordinating entity to harmonize STI initiatives nationwide. This entity aims to address challenges by fostering collaboration and expediting product commercialization.

Protégé in a drug inventory at Mbarara University

In response to this, a comprehensive situation analysis was conducted to understand the landscape of STI establishments, essential for the proposed entity's success. The analysis utilized an 8Ps model, assessing elements such as Products, Processes, Promotion, Place, Price, Personal, Infrastructure, and Consumables. The nationwide exercise was conducted by teams across the country on twenty five STI establishments, each led by project officers. They worked closely with protégée, who gathered data under their supervision. To ensure thorough data collection, a comprehensive tool was developed using Kobo Collect, a digital platform. This tool helped streamline the process and ensure consistency in gathering information. Additionally, respondents who were comfortable with it had the option to participate in recorded interviews.

Protégés inspecting drug manufacturing plant at Mbarara University

This allowed for a deeper understanding of their insights and perspectives. Overall, this approach enabled a comprehensive and systematic collection of data, contributing to the richness and accuracy of the study. The feedback from the situational analysis highlighted the importance of creating a Foundry Network to support excellence in science, technology, and innovation. This network would help different industries work together, share resources, improve skills, and come up with new ideas. By dealing with challenges like competition, marketing, pricing, and funding together, the Foundry Network would speed up overall growth. With backing from the government, partnerships with industries, and smart planning, this network would create a lively environment where innovation thrives, boosts the economy, and helps industries compete globally.