Pathogen Economy Bureau Planning Workshop  

The Pathogen Economy Bureau held a comprehensive planning workshop from May 18th to 21st, 2024, at Lake Victoria Serena Hotel in Kigo. The workshop aimed to streamline and enhance the value chains associated with vaccines, diagnostics, therapeutics, consumables, and equipment in alignment with the bureau's pillars and GDP contribution goal to STI and the nation at large. The event was marked by a series of structured activities, discussions, and presentations aimed at optimizing the pathogen economy in Uganda.

Conclusion and Next Steps

The Pathogen Economy Bureau planning workshop was a significant step towards optimizing Uganda's pathogen economy value chains. Despite some challenges, the workshop successfully fostered collaboration, introduced innovative methodologies, and developed a common framework for future planning. Moving forward, the bureau will focus on:

  1. Refining and implementing the common methodology developed during the workshop.
  2. Continuing to benchmark against COMESA standards while adapting strategies to the Ugandan context.
  3. Addressing the abstract nature of some tasks by providing clearer guidelines and practical examples in future sessions.
This workshop has laid a solid foundation for the bureau’s ongoing efforts to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of pathogen-related value chains in Uganda.


We extend our sincere gratitude to the STI-OP for their generous funding, which made this workshop possible. Our heartfelt thanks also go to the FONSTIL leadership for their support and for enabling our participation in this crucial event. We are particularly grateful to the team lead for the Pathogen Economy, Prof. Kabasa, for his invaluable insights and guidance. Lastly, we thank the entire team for their dedication and hard work, which contributed significantly to the success of the workshop.