Capacity Building workshop at Esella
Dr. Nakazibwe from STI giving a lecture on Uganda's pathogen economy sector

The team had the privilege of participating in a training program hosted at the Esella Country Hotel from 24th to 28th July, 2023. This training was part of the project titled “Developing a National Network of STI Excellence as a Foundry for Accelerated Transformative STI Human Capital Development”. The training was flagged off by Dr. Cosmas Mwikirize the superintendent of Industrial Value Chains at the secretariat of science, technology and innovation.

The training program covered essential aspects crucial for driving Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) initiatives forward. Participants gained insights into policy formulation and review processes, understanding how policies are created and evaluated to guide decision-making. Additionally, techniques for strategic financial management and planning were explored to ensure effective resource allocation and long-term sustainability of STI projects. Strategies for successful commercialization of innovative products were discussed, focusing on identifying market opportunities and scaling ideas effectively. Furthermore, the training program covered essential aspects crucial for driving Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) initiatives forward.

Dr. Cosmas of STI giving a lecture about how Uganda ought to advance technologically

Participants gained insights into policy formulation and review processes, understanding how policies are created and evaluated to guide decision-making. Additionally, techniques for strategic financial management and planning were explored to ensure effective resource allocation and long-term sustainability of STI projects. Strategies for successful commercialization of innovative products were discussed, focusing on identifying market opportunities and scaling ideas effectively.

Furthermore, participants learned to develop comprehensive business plans to support STI projects and initiatives, incorporating market analysis, financial projections, and risk assessment. These key areas equipped participants with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute effectively to STI excellence and socio-economic transformation. Throughout the five-day training program, participants engaged in various interactive sessions, workshops, and group discussions. Experienced professionals led these sessions, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge in each subject area. Hands-on activities and case studies were used to enhance learning and encourage active participation.

Group photo of participants, including both tutors and protégés

Conclusion: The training program provided valuable insights and skills essential for driving STI excellence and promoting transformative human capital development. By equipping participants with the knowledge and tools needed to formulate effective policies, manage finances strategically, commercialize innovative products, and develop robust business plans, the program has empowered us to contribute effectively to Uganda's Vision 2040 and the goal of a science-driven socio-economic transformation.

Recommendations: We recommend further training and capacity-building initiatives to continue nurturing STI excellence and supporting transformative human capital development in Uganda.